University of Windsor’s Scholarships

Merit scholarships at Canadian universities are the easiest scholarships to obtain. There are no scholarship applications, not essays to write, just good marks. Some merit-based entrance scholarships for international students are small but the University of Windsor in Windsor, Canada has one of the largest.

In this article I will cover the international student entrance scholarships that Windsor has to offer, what are other ways to make an income at the University of Windsor and why would you want to go to Windsor anyway. What does Windsor offer besides a good merit-based scholarship?

There are two kinds of entrance scholarships available at the University of Windsor:

Merit based up to $16,000 CAD

Application based up to $20,000 CAD – Excellence Scholarships recognise a combination of academic excellence, financial need and good citizenship. Students for the upcoming year can apply for them through their student portal UWinSuite between January and April 30th. Students can also be considered for Global Engagement Awards and Departmental Awards. Only one application is necessary for most awards.

Tuition at the University of Windsor is guaranteed for 4 years which means a student can set their budget for the full 4 years. Tuition ranges between $33,000 CAD and $44,000 CAD per year, depending on the program. Windsor is one of the most reasonably priced universities in Ontario.

Why Study at Windsor?

The University of Windsor is in Windsor which is the southern most city in Canada and one hour from Toronto. It is geographically parallel to Northern California and students can experience comfortable weather for 7 months out of 12. Windsor is also right across the Detroit River from Detroit so international students can experience both US and Canadian cultures. Additionally, it is possible to get a US permit to take your Co-op Work Experience term in the US as many US companies work with the University of Windsor to provide a work experience opportunity as part of their degree at the university.

Ambassador Bridge is in Windsor which is one of the busiest border crossing sites between Canada and the US. This means a lot of trade and economic prosperity for the region of Windsor-Essex.

Windsor is also the automotive capital of Canada and houses many automotive manufacturing companies. Ford Motor Company headquarters is visible from the University of Windsor campus just across the river in Detroit. Chrysler has it’s Canadian headquarters in Windsor. This is only a small part of the possible employment opportunities international students can experience when they choose to study at the University of Windsor.

What’s Big at UWindsor?

Engineering at Windsor is big, and every engineering department has a paid Co-op Work Experience program where students can not only get practical experience in preparation for work when they graduate but they also get paid while they are on their work terms. The University of Windsor is one of the few universities in Canada that have an Automotive Engineering program.

The University of Windsor’s Odette School of Business (OSB) has earned accreditation by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, CPA Ontario and Supply Chain Management Association Ontario (SCMAO). This recognition is in addition to OSB being one of only eight Canadian business schools having ever been invited to full voting membership in the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). All this means, if you do your Bachelor of Commerce at Windsor, you will get your money’s worth. You will get a good return on your investment.

The University of Windsor is a comprehensive university that offers 9 faculties and over 200 undergraduate programs and over 70 graduate ones. This student-focused university is ranked #3 in Canada for student services as per MacLean’s Magazine 2023. If you are an international student moving to a new country, having a strong support system on campus is important as you know that if you need support of any nature, there is an office or a person who is there to help you. Student-faculty ratio is 29:1 so classes are small enough that you can freely ask your professors or the teaching assistant for help to understand some concept in your course.

Other Ways to Make Money at UWindsor

Besides scholarships, international students can make money by the following ways:

  • Paid Co-op Work Experience programs that are part of your degree program

  • Internships - usually paid terms

  • Work on campus part time as allowed by the Canadian government.

  • Work off campus part time as allowed by the Canadian government

These are only a few of the reasons why studying at the University of Windsor is a good idea. For more information on admissions and applying to the University of Windsor, you will want to contact Go 2 Canada Education Services, their in Pakistan representative. The folks at Go 2 Canada are Canadians and they don’t charge for their services. All their services are free.


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