Step-by-Step Study Plan for Canada

I meet many students whose dream is to study in Canada. Some of these students have done all their research and know what they need to do to get to their university of choice. But some haven’t thought it through, perhaps because they just didn’t get proper counsel or for other reasons. But that is okay because this step-by-step guide will give you direction on how to plan your studies in Canada. General admission requirements, finances, language requirements and universities and colleges will be some of the areas covered here.

What are Admission Requirements in Canada?

Admission requirements can vary across universities and colleges. What might be admissible at one institution may not apply to another school. Most universities and colleges accept students who have completed grade 12 (or equivalent) and have good grades – 70% plus. Some universities for their competitive programs will accept students with marks in the high 80s. If you are planning on studying in the sciences (all science fields) and business, then you must have Mathematics at the senior level. The Sciences include Life, Biological, Medical, Physical, Computer Science and BSc Psychology degrees. A good combination for the Physical Sciences could be Math, Physics and another science, and Math, Biology and Chemistry if studying medical, health or biological sciences. Nursing requires Math, Biology and Chemistry. And to reiterate, Math is necessary for Business.

If you want to study humanities or social sciences, then Math is not necessarily a requirement. Some colleges may accept O level Math or other subjects in lieu of a senior level subject.

This guide is a generalization of what universities and colleges want so check the website or better yet, contact us to help you determine if you meet admission requirements.

Take the Language Proficiency Test

Unless you are a student who has studied the British Cambridge curriculum or IB, then you may have to write IELTS or another Language Proficiency test. Even some universities want IELTS regardless of previous studies and IELTS is the required English Language Proficiency test when applying for your study permit. If applying through the SDS study permit route, IELTS is compulsory, without exception. It is in your best interest, especially if applying to multiple Canadian institutions to write your IELTS exam before starting your application.

Apply to University or College

When considering a college or university there are several things students should look for. Of course, if you need to study in the city where your relatives live, then you might not necessarily need to consider these, but they are worth a read anyway.

  • Does it have the program you want to study? This is your primary question. IF it has the program, then you can stop and explore what the university or college is all about, but otherwise, it is time to move onto the next one.

  • Is this university affordable? You will want to see the cost of tuition and cost of living. Then what are the scholarship opportunities? Does your program have a paid internship or work experience component? Are you allowed to work on or off campus while you study? When you add up the cost and reduce it by possible scholarships, can you afford it? If you have been looking at a high-ranking university with high fees, and find you can’t afford it, then you might want to consider one that is still good and has lower tuition. For example, you want to consider the University of Manitoba, Memorial or UNB which are among the most budget-friendly universities in Canada. For where to find good scholarships consider the University of Alberta and Trent among others that can be found here. But before you go and do all that searching you can Contact Us and we will do all that work for you.

  • Is this a city where I want to live? Relatives of course make a deciding vote on where you live. But if you don’t have relatives in Canada or you are planning on living apart from them, then the city and province might be important. What are the work opportunities in the province? Do you want a quiet city, a party city or a city where you can go for long nature walks? Maybe weather is important to you? So, while Edmonton can have comfortable summer weather, there are places that are warm almost the year round like Abbotsford, Nanaimo, Windsor, and Antigonish in Nova Scotia. Again, this is something you don’t have to search out. Go 2 Canada Education Service’s Canadian advisors can give you the lowdown on Canadian weather.

Can I work while I study or after I graduate?

The answer is yes if you are studying at a DLI institution. The Canadian government lists all DLI institutions on their website so if you have never heard of the institution before, it is best to check it out.

Apply to a Canadian University or College

Once you are satisfied and have made your final decision, it is time to apply. Go 2 Canada Education Services can do the application for you to all their partner institutes. If you are applying to a university that is not on their panel, you are encouraged to do that application separately except with Ontario applications through OUAC. Ms. Khan will do all Ontario applications if you are also applying to one of the universities Go 2 Canada Education Services represents.

Apply for Your Study Permit

Once you have received your admission offer and received your official Offer Letter, it is time to apply for your study permit. In fact, even while you are waiting for the admission offer, it is wise to prepare for your study permit application. Please note, regardless of SDS or regular visa processing, it will take time to prepare and apply as well as waiting for the application approval process.

Going to Canada

Once you have had your visa approved it is time to go to Canada and study. Bon voyage! Good travels!

 Photo courtesy of Tofunmi from Pexels


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