Admission Requirements Biological/Medical Science in Canada
Many students in Pakistan want to study medicine at university. So what are admission requirements to top medical programs in Canada? Are they the same as in Pakistan? But before I answer that question, I will share what kind of medical programs are available to international students.
Biological/Medical Programs in Canada
The different kinds of biological/medical programs offered in Canada are life sciences, biological sciences, medical sciences, health sciences, nursing and the MD or MBBS program as it is called in Pakistan. Also to be added to this list is psychology.
Life/Biological Sciences: These science programs include a wide gamut of disciplines such as biological sciences, agriculture, environmental sciences, food and nutrition and even clothing and textiles. Some of the best universities in Canada for Agriculture are the Universities of Manitoba and Alberta; for Environmental Sciences, Memorial and Waterloo are good choices. Memorial offers unique focuses in aquatic chemistry and freshwater ecology. The University of Alberta offers Human Ecology which includes Family Science and Clothing &Textiles, the perfect program for the student who wants to pursue Home Economics or Fashion Design. For Forensic Science check out Trent University and the University of Windsor.
Medical Sciences: This arching category of sciences, includes Medical Laboratory programs, biomedical science, biophysics, medical health informatics, and other programs that looks at human body and the biological mechanisms it uses. These sciences provide the foundation to pursue professional programs like Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health, Graduate Research, etc. Top universities for Medical Sciences are Western and Manitoba and Waterloo.
Health Sciences: While there can be an overlap between Health and Medical Science, heath science looks more at the interdisciplinary study of heath and wellness in society. Possible programs can include community health, health promotion and education and rehabilitation sciences. Universities that offer Health Sciences are Carleton and Manitoba.
Nursing: Nursing is one of the most prestigious, well-paying and in-demand jobs in Canada. Options in nursing include psychiatric nursing, practical nursing, Registered Nurse and nursing assistant. The University of Alberta ranks among the top in the world for their Faculty of Nursing, ranking No. 4 according to QS World University Rankings. One of the most reasonably priced Nursing programs is at Memorial University. Besides 5 core subjects, Nursing applicants require additional documents and results so make sure to check the website or ask someone at Go 2 Canada Education Services for details.
MD or MBBS as it is called in Pakistan: The MD program is closed to international students and only takes in national and permanent resident students. It is an 8-year program as opposed to a 5-year program in Pakistan. International students who are set on being a medical doctor are advised to take their MBBS in Pakistan and then specialise in Canada afterwards. But if you are interested in medicine, other than being an MD, then there are many programs to consider as per above, and you can even consider Biomedical Engineering. Canadian students living abroad may apply for the MD program but they will need to take a 4 year Science degree first.
Some of the best medical/biological science programs can be found at Carleton, Windsor, Western, Waterloo and the University of Alberta.
Subject Requirements for Admission
Students need five subjects to qualify for studies in Canada. The main subjects one needs to meet admission requirements for Life Sciences are Math, Biology and Chemistry at the senior level. Physics is a bonus but not compulsory. It, along with English and one other subject could be your 5th course. But you might well say, “Wait a minute, but I don’t have Math. Why do I need Math?”
While it is true that you don’t need Math for Biological or Medical Sciences in Pakistan, it is required for studying at a university in Canada. We might not always agree with Stefan Banach who said, “Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit”, but it is a necessary evil if you want to study Biological or Medical Sciences in Canada.
“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.”
How to Make Up for the Needed Math Course?
There are several ways to make up the missing Math subject:
Take Grade 12 Math from a Canadian Virtual High School – This is possible if you have studied O levels and are now in AS or A2. O levels is considered grade 11 so you have the background to take a Grade 12 online course from a Canadian High School. Some universities that offer Medical or Health Sciences and will accept your online Math course are the University of Waterloo, Western, Carleton and Trent among other universities.
Take Additional Math in Pakistan – If you are an Intermediate student who did Pre-Medical, then you can take Additional Math from one of BISE. Of course, you will need to take Part 1 and 2 to make it equal to Grade 12.
Start off at a college that accepts O level Math – this is only possible or O level students as Matric students who have studied under the Pakistani curriculum will have only the equivalent to grade 10. Seneca College has a Bachelor’s in Therapeutic Recreation and a Pre-Health Sciences Pathway program to give you the foundation you need for Medical Sciences either at Seneca or a Canadian university. Durham College also has a Pre-Health Science program to prepare you for a Bachelor’s degree at Ontario Tech University or another institution.
Study at the University of British Columbia – Students who wish to pursue biological or medical sciences, nursing or other health related programs can take Integrated Science at UNBC. You will have to take Pre-Calculus Math in your first year so you can proceed to subsequent years. You can remain at UNBC and take Health Science or transfer to a university of choice for your second year.
Consider a related program that doesn’t require Math – Psychology in the Faculty of Arts is a possible choice. You can still take some Psychology science courses such as Clinical Psychology or Neurology as an Arts Student. Most universities allow a certain number of science electives for Arts programs. And interesting option is Forensic Science at St Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, one of Canada’s top undergraduate universities.
Other options are in the field of Kinesiology. For example, students at the University of Alberta can take Physical Activity and Health which takes students into the field of physical therapy providing adaptive physical activity for those with limited mobility or health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
While you may have found this article informative and helpful, it is always wise to consult with someone familiar with the Canadian education system. Ms. Helen Khan has had over 35 years in Canada’s post-secondary education system, and she would be a natural to assist you with all your study in Canada needs. Make sure to contact her here.
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