What are the Best Programs to Study in Canada?

The "best" program for international students to study in Canada really depends on your interests, career goals, and personal preferences. Canada is known for its excellent education system and offers a wide range of courses across various fields. Some popular and highly regarded fields of study in Canada include:

 1. Computer Science and Information Technology: Canada has a thriving tech industry, and studying computer science or IT can lead to lucrative career opportunities. Some of the top universities include:

  • University of Waterloo: Known for its cooperative education (co-op) program, the University of Waterloo offers valuable work experience opportunities for computer science students. Work experience opportunities are exceptionally helpful for international students securing jobs when they graduate. Its School of Computer Science is highly respected in both academia and industry.

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta's Department of Computing Science is known for its strengths in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in computer science. Their Science Internship program gives international students the edge in getting a job once they graduate.

  • Other top universities where international students can study in Canada are the universities of Toronto, McGill and UBC.

2. Engineering: With top-notch engineering schools and a demand for skilled engineers in various sectors, studying engineering in Canada can be highly rewarding. While McGill, Toronto and UBC offer great engineering programs, you will want to give these two universities careful consideration too.

  • University of Waterloo: Waterloo's Faculty of Engineering is renowned for its cooperative education (co-op) program, which provides students with valuable work experience opportunities. It is particularly strong in fields like software engineering, computer engineering, and electrical engineering.

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta's Faculty of Engineering is recognized for its strengths in areas like petroleum engineering, mining engineering, and materials engineering. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs and offers a Co-op Work Experience program to it’s national and international students.

3. Business Administration and Management: Canada offers many prestigious business schools that provide quality education in fields like finance, marketing, and management. Top contenders in the business field are:

  • University of Alberta (Alberta School of Business): The Alberta School of Business is known for its collaborative approach to learning and research. It offers undergraduate, MBA, and doctoral programs with a focus on energy, entrepreneurship, and analytics.

  • Western University (Ivey Business School): Ivey Business School at Western University is renowned for its case-based teaching method and strong emphasis on practical learning. It offers undergraduate, MBA, and executive education programs.

  • Other top contenders are Toronto, McGill, UBC and Queens.

4. Health Sciences and Medicine: Canadian universities are known for their cutting-edge research and education in health-related fields, including medicine, nursing, and public health. While everyone looks to Toronto, McGill and UBC, international students will want to also consider these two top-ranking universities:

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in medicine, dentistry, and other health sciences disciplines.

  • Western University, particularly through its Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, is well-regarded for medical sciences education and research. The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various medical and health-related fields, including medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other health professions. The medical program at Schulich is known for its innovative curriculum, strong clinical training, and research opportunities.

  • Other universities to consider for medical sciences are UBC, Toronto and some smaller universities like Manitoba and UNBC.

 5. Natural Sciences: Canada's diverse landscapes and ecosystems make it an excellent destination for studying natural sciences like biology, chemistry, and environmental science. Here are the top universities in this discipline:

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta is known for its strengths in natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, geology, and environmental science. It offers excellent research opportunities and facilities and undergraduate students can participate in their Science Internship program which gives builds your resume when out looking for a job upon graduation.

  • University of Waterloo: Waterloo is renowned for its innovative approach to education and research in natural sciences. It offers programs in biology, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental sciences, and other related disciplines. They offer work experience programs in all of their science disciplines.

  • Other top-notch universities in this area are Toronto, McGill, Ottawa, UBC, Simon Fraser.

 6. Social Sciences and Humanities: If you're interested in fields like psychology, sociology, history, or political science, Canadian universities offer a wealth of opportunities for study and research. When searching out an excellent university for social sciences and humanities, you will want to consider:

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta offers strong programs in social sciences and humanities, with disciplines such as psychology, sociology, history, and political science. Its Faculty of Arts emphasizes critical inquiry and intellectual exploration. For undergraduate students, it also has work experience opportunities in their Faculty of Arts.

  • Added to your list should be McMasters, Ottawa, Toronto, McGill and UBC

7. Creative Arts and Design: Canada has a vibrant arts and culture scene, and studying disciplines like fine arts, design, or film can provide unique opportunities for creative expression and growth. For top institutions in fine arts and design, consider the following:

  • University of Alberta: The University of Alberta offers programs in art and design, including undergraduate degrees in Art and Design, Art History, and Visual Studies. Students are provided with opportunities to explore various mediums, techniques, and principles in both traditional and contemporary art practices.

  • Some of the finest creative arts and design programs are found at the Emily Carr University of Arts & Design, Concordia University, OCAD University and the Alberta University of the Arts.

8. Agriculture: For the student interested in Agriculture, Canada offers excellent opportunities for studying agriculture, with its world-class universities, diverse agricultural landscapes, and cutting-edge research facilities. Here are some of the top agricultural universities in Canada:

  • University of Alberta: The Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta offers programs in Agricultural Business Management, Clothing & Textiles, Food & Nutrition, Agricultural and Resource Economics, and other related fields. It's known for its interdisciplinary approach to agricultural studies.

  • University of Manitoba: The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba provides undergraduate and graduate programs in Agricultural Business, Agroecology, and Food Science.

  • Other top ranked universities are Guelph, Dalhousie, UBC and Saskatchewan.

Ultimately, the best course for you will depend on your individual interests, strengths, and career aspirations. If you are unsure of where your interests and aptitudes lie, you will want to contact us at Go 2 Canada Education Services for your free career and aptitude tests and counselling. It's essential to research different programs, consider factors like location and cost, and perhaps even speak with current students or alumni, or Go 2 Canada Education’s highly qualified education advisor to make an informed decision.

Photo courtesy of Yan Krukau.


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