University vs. College in Canada: What is the Difference?

What a university is, and delivers is generally universally understood. But the term college is a different matter. Different countries view colleges differently depending on what the college can or cannot do. To explain the difference between colleges and universities in the Canadian context, I will first explain what they are not.

Defining Colleges in the South Asian Context

A college in Pakistan and other South Asian countries can be one of two things, either 1) an educational institution that offers higher secondary school education or 2) an affiliated institution to a university that teaches programs under the umbrella of a given university. For example, one of the affiliated colleges for the University of Karachi is the Adamjee Government Science College. While there are private colleges, some of them very reputable, colleges are not held in as high esteem as universities.

The concept of a college and the accompanying attitude is sometimes carried over to Canadian colleges which are quite different from those in Pakistan.

The Difference Between University & Colleges in Canada

Universities and colleges are post-secondary institutions that work independently from each other as far as policies, governance, offerings, and admission requirements. While both colleges and universities are governed by provincial governments, and both must maintain high academic standards, colleges and universities have a different focus.

Initially the college system in Canada was designed to provide technical training and diplomas as a response to labour needs in the Canadian economy. They focus on specific employment skills and career training. Good examples of this is North Island College in BC or Seneca College in Toronto. Universities on the other hand focus on analytical skills and academic and professional programs. They offer degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Nowadays both colleges and universities in Canada offer work experience programs alongside of academic courses. Universities generally are larger having a wide range of faculties including medical and law whereas colleges are more focused on a select sector of the Canadian employment scene. Usually, a Canadian university offers degrees only whereas a college offers a combination of degrees, diplomas, post-graduate diplomas and certificates. The number of degree programs can be limited to their focus area such as Douglas College that offers business degrees but not degrees in other disciplines.

The playing field between Canadian colleges and universities has levelled out with both offering degrees and work experience programs.

Is University or College Better?

That depends on you the student. What do you want? If you want a degree with the possibility to do a masters later, then university is your best choice. If you want to get out into the workforce quicker, then college is your best option. If you would like to speak to a career counsellor, then contact us to help you decide what is best for you.

If your marks are not as high as you need to meet university admission requirements, then consider college like Columbia College where you can do a 2-year associate degree or a university transfer program and then transfer to a major Canadian university after you have brought your GPA up to a university admission level. Smaller classrooms and more one-on-one interaction with professors can help you improve your grades and use that college education for a pathway to a major Canadian university.

US News & Report has ranked Canada #3 in the world for the best education system. Whatever institution you choose, you can be assured that you are getting a high-grade education in Canada as all institutions are accountable to their provincial government to maintain high academic standards.

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels


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