Now Open: StFX Scholarship Application

Acknowledgement: I (Helen Khan) didn’t write this, I have posted a St Francis Xavier University update. They take the credit for the article.

We are very pleased to announce that our scholarship application for the 2022-2023 academic year is now open. Please pay close attention to the details as they outline key information you need to know for scholarship consideration.
We strongly encourage you to visit our scholarship website to review information about our different scholarship categories and the application process for each. Before you get started, here’s what you should know:

  • Major Scholarships: Your one scholarship application will enter you into consideration for multiple awards in our Major Scholarship category. On the application, you will note the particular awards for which you are qualified and wish to be considered. You will also need to upload a resume and two reference letters to be considered to Major Scholarships.

  • Entrance Scholarships: Anyone who applies to StFX and obtains a final admission average of at least 85%, will be considered for an entrance scholarship upon completion of Grade 12. No application is required for these awards, submit your final transcript by August 1, 2022.

  • Other Scholarships: There are several scholarships that require a separate application (you can find a list here.) If you intend to apply for these scholarships, please take note of deadlines and any additional requirements.

Dates and Deadlines:

  • If you wish to be considered for major scholarships, the deadline to send your final first-term Grade 12 transcript and complete your scholarship application is Monday, March 1, 2022.

  • If you have not yet received admission to your first choice program, please submit your final, first-term Grade 12 transcript as soon as it is available. If you are seeking admission to Nursing, this must be received by March 1, 2022.

  • If you have not already applied to attend StFX, the deadline to apply for admission in order to be eligible for scholarships is also Monday, March 1, 2022. Please note you will need to complete your scholarship application in addition to your admissions application.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • If you have any questions about our scholarship processes, including eligibility requirements and how your scholarship average is calculated, we encourage you to first review our Step-By-Step guide.

  • If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, email us at

Tip: Some scholarship applications require a resume and reference letters. Don’t leave these until the last minute!


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