How Much Gap is Accepted for Study in Canada?

Many international students worry about a gap year or years between their education in their home country and studying in Canada. And rightly so! Gap years can be problematic but that doesn’t mean that you can’t go if you have a gap in your education. In Canada, the general rule is that a gap of 2 years is okay for a diploma or undergraduate studies and 5 years is acceptable for graduate studies. Now, having said that, you still need to explain the gap and your reasons must be viable.

Justifiable Reasons for a Gap Year

While Canadian universities and colleges may accept a gap period when giving admission to a student, they will often ask for a statement or resume (CV) to explain the gap since you left school and when you apply to one of their programs. Why do they do this? They are looking for justifiable reasons for the gap.

So, what kind of reasons might a university accept?

  • Medical Reasons – ill health, accidents or other medical reasons can be valid reasons for postponing your educational pursuits. The Covid-19 pandemic is a case-in-point where either family members or the student’s health has been affected by the pandemic.

  • Family Situation can also be a factor why educational goals are put on hold. Perhaps aging parents, or a family breakup, or other family situations can be a reason for a gap in your education.

  • External Tests can also hold a person up. Some students choose to write SAT, IELTS, GMAT or GRE after they complete their studies so they can prepare for these exams. Other tests are entrance tests to the military or MDCAT (MCAT) or LSAT. Preparation takes time and study time. Even if you fail to get the results you wanted or you don’t get admission to a Medical College in your home country, etc., these kinds of gaps are reasonable explanations for delayed applications to study in Canada.

  • Work Experience is also a valid reason for delaying your studies. In fact, some graduate programs in Canada, such as an MBA require a minimum of 2 years work experience. Some universities want up to 5 years relevant experience. For example, the University of Manitoba requires 2 years of professional work experience to meet their admission requirements for an MBA. Working to care for aging parents, saving for your studies in Canada or getting work experience are all good reasons for gap years. And it is when we start working that we often find out how little we know and the need to further our education to broaden our knowledge and skills to make us more marketable.

  • Financial reasons are very good reasons for gap years. Saving up to go to university in Canada may require working or waiting for the sale of a piece of land or some other explanation for the gap due to financial reasons.

While gap years can be considered in the admission process, it is best to find out how the university perceives a gap. Thompson Rivers University recognises that students may want to or need to take a gap. But please note that not all Canadian universities will hold the same stance.

How to Cover Gap Years for a Canadian university or College?

A university or college may ask for a CV (resume) or a Statement to explain why you have a gap in your education. Remember the general rule – 2 years for a diploma or undergraduate degree and 5 years for a graduate degree. But also beware, universities may or may not accept a large gap for a student applying to one of their thesis-based programs unless you have been working in a research intensive institution like a firm that builds prototype products or a university as a research assistant or fellow.

Again, all of the above reasons, financial, work, medical, family or tests may be sufficient reasons to explain the gap and they are then able to grant you admission.

How to Cover Gap Years for the Canadian Study Permit?

Gap years doesn’t have to deter you from applying for your Canadian Study Permit, albeit visa officers will thoroughly check your gap explanation. In addition to the above-mentioned reasons for a gap period, they may also consider:

  • Being laid off from your former job so you now know that you need more education to be competitive in the industry

  • Reappearing in your exams to improve your grades or adding another subject to meet admission requirements. For example, Math which is not necessary for Business students or Pre-Medical students in Pakistan is very much needed for admission to a Canadian college or university. Pakistani students need to study Math to get into a Canadian university. This additional Math course may delay admission to the institution of choice.

Remember though, whatever your reason, make sure to support it with salary slips, a letter from an employer, medical or doctor’s reports, reappearance test dates or test results, etc.

Preferably, there shouldn’t be a gap in your education – it just makes it easier for you the student because your study habits and previous knowledge are still fresh in your mind. But if there is a gap and you have a reasonable explanation for this gap, then go ahead and plan your studies in Canada. Just remember the general rule – no more than 2 years for an undergraduate degree or diploma and no more than 5 for graduate studies.

For further information on studies in Canada, makes sure to contact us for all your program inquiries and application help you need.

Photo by Andre Furtado


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