How Can International Students Embrace Canada’s Social Life?

Social life in Canada is diverse and vibrant, influenced by the country’s multiculturalism, emphasis on inclusiveness, and a wide range of activities and events. As an international student, you will want to check out these key aspects of social life in Canada:

1. **Multiculturalism and Inclusiveness**: Canadian society is known for its multicultural fabric. This diversity is celebrated through various cultural festivals, events, and community activities. People from different backgrounds bring their traditions, food, and customs, enriching social interactions and community life. You will find people from all parts of the world not only in every city (big or small) but also on university campuses and colleges. The University of Alberta has over 8000 international students representing 20% of their student population. Western University has 5000 international students representing 129 countries. The University of Windsor has around 5000 international students that represent 92 different countries. Everywhere you go in Canada you will meet someone who is either an immigrant or is an international student. You will be able to participate in all kinds of cultural activities at university or in the community. For example, you can participate in cultural events at your university or college or volunteer at your country’s association. For example, if you are a Pakistani student studying at the University of Alberta or MacEwan University, you could check out the Pakistan Canada Association of Edmonton.

2. **Festivals and Events**: Throughout the year, Canadian cities host numerous festivals and events. These include music festivals like the Winnipeg International Jazz Festival and Kamloops’ International Buskers Festival, cultural celebrations like Edmonton’s Heritage Days, and local events such as Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre. For international students who prefer friendly-budget events, you can usually find a free festival in your city such as the Peterborough Musicfest if you are studying at Trent University and the Kultrun World Music Festival if studying at the University of Waterloo. Wherever you study in Canada, there will be a festival to attend and sometimes they are free - great for the international student on a budget. And for the more conservative international student who may be concerned about not participating in activities inappropriate to their religious beliefs, many of these activities do not include alcohol. Many of these activities are wholesome, appropriate for everyone regardless of age or religious convictions.

3. **Outdoor Activities**: Canadians love the outdoors, and social life often revolves around outdoor activities. In the winter, people engage in skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating. During the summer, hiking, biking, camping, and water sports are popular. Parks, beaches, and trails are common gathering spots for socializing. Prince George, home of UNBC, is a perfect place for an international student to go fishing or enjoy the thrill of mountain biking. For the less adventurous, you can simply walk the Forests for the World Trail. Or consider taking a day trip out to Gros Morne National Park, about a 1 hour drive from Memorial University, Grenfell Campus. Nature and outdoor activities galore are awaiting you, wherever you study in Canada.

 4. **Dining and Nightlife**: While urban centers like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are noted for their nightlife, other Canadian cities also boast a thriving nightlife and dining scene. Both Edmonton and Winnipeg have a nightlife scene and lots of opportunities to taste the cuisine from all over the world. Winnipeg, home of the University of Manitoba, is also noted for its indigenous restaurants. There are diverse restaurants, bars, clubs, and cafes where people gather. Food plays a significant role in social interactions, with a variety of cuisines reflecting the multicultural population. Depending on lifestyle, international students can choose where they want to go. There are even restaurants that serve halal food or vegetarian food, so one can pick and choose.

5. **Sports**: Sports are a significant part of social life in Canada. Hockey is the national pastime, and many social events revolve around watching games. Other popular sports include soccer, basketball, and baseball. Communities often have local sports leagues, encouraging social bonding through team activities. International students who are top-notch athletes can try out for a university varsity team and everyone can participate in community sports teams or intramural sports on campus. Most universities like the Thompson Rivers University even offers a sports scholarship to international students who compete on a varsity team.

6. **Community Involvement**: Canadians are known for their community spirit. Volunteering and participating in local community events are common ways to socialize and give back. Many neighborhoods have community centers offering various activities, from fitness classes to art workshops. You can volunteer through your university or college campus or approach a community organization directly. For instance, the City of Edmonton, home to the University of Alberta and MacEwan University has lots of volunteer opportunities. For international students who want a resume that shows Canadian work experience, volunteerism also counts to finding employment after graduation.

 7. **Arts and Culture**: The arts scene is vibrant, with numerous theaters, galleries, and music venues. Attending live performances, art exhibits, and cultural shows is a popular social activity. Cities like Edmonton, Toronto and Winnipeg are renowned for their artistic communities and frequent cultural events.

 8. **Education and Social Clubs**: Universities and colleges are hubs for social life, with numerous clubs, organizations, and events for students and alumni. Social clubs and hobby groups cater to a wide range of interests, from book clubs to hiking groups, providing opportunities to meet like-minded individuals. This is where international students can really learn about Canadian culture and make lasting friendships.

9. **Family and Friends Gatherings**: Social life often centers around family and friends. Canadians value quality time with loved ones, whether it's through holiday gatherings, backyard barbecues, or weekend get-togethers. For example, the University of Alberta has a Share the Cheer program where international students are invited to join a host family for special holidays or occasions.

 Overall, social life in Canada is characterized by a mix of cultural diversity, outdoor enjoyment, community involvement, and a rich array of social events and activities. International students in Canada have the fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the country's vibrant social scene. From joining student clubs and organizations to attending cultural events and festivals, there are numerous ways for international students to engage with the local community. By participating in Canada's social life, students can make new friends, learn about Canadian culture, and create unforgettable memories during their time abroad. Take advantage of this unique chance to enhance your overall experience as an international student in Canada.

Photo courtesy Kampus Production


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