Can Pakistani Students Get Scholarships at Canadian Universities?

The answer is YES. Most universities in Canada offer scholarships to international students. Some are full scholarships like the Lester B Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto, but becoming a recipient is exceedingly difficult. Only one Pakistani in the last four years was awarded that scholarship.

Entrance scholarships can range from $500 to $80,000 CAD. Some are for only the 1st year and others are for a 4-year duration if the student maintains an excellent GPA and fulfills any other conditions the scholarship might have.

It is worth noting that international students should expect to finance much of their own study in Canada expenses.

How Do You Get a Scholarship?

The first step is to check out scholarships at the university where you would like to apply. Check out the different kinds of scholarships and the deadlines for application-based scholarships. Make sure to apply for admission well in advance of these deadlines. They are often early in the admission application season. Most application portals are open from October 1st to March 1st, but scholarship application deadlines might be as early as mid-December, such as those at the University of Alberta. The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) has a January 15th deadline.

And remember the motto, “The early bird catches the worm.” The earlier you apply, the more opportunities you have of receiving a scholarship. So don’t wait until the last day to apply, apply early.

What are Scholarship Requirements?

The most important requirement is stellar marks. The higher the marks the more scholarship money. If you have 80% an above you are eligible for scholarships, depending on the university. Some universities such as the University of Windsor start at 85%. For application-based scholarships, the student is expected to have extracurricular activities and other interests outside of studying. This could be in sports, volunteerism, community projects, entrepreneurship etc.

Are There Scholarships Just for Pakistanis?

Yes, there are. The University of Alberta has a Country Scholarship for international students from select countries. Pakistan is one of those countries.

Students from all of Pakistan’s curricula are eligible, depending on marks: IB, O/A levels, Intermediate (HSSC) and USA/AP.

If you are interested in applying to a Canadian university, fill in the form at the bottom of this page and someone will respond to you within 2 or 3 business days.


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