Can International Students Work in Canada?

International students have several work options available to them while studying in Canada. The Canadian government has work and study in Canada programs as do universities and colleges.

What Work Programs Are Available?

Experiential learning is encouraged so whether it is by working while study in Canada or through volunteerism, there are many work in Canada opportunities available to international students.

Canadian Government

The Canadian Government allows international students to work part-time while they are studying in Canada. While studying, an international student can work 20 hours per week and then full-time 40 hours or more during holidays, like summer or Christmas break. These jobs may be in hospitality (restaurants, hotels, etc.) or they could be in retail businesses. Did you know that work experience at McDonalds looks great on a resume? Employers know that you have learned customer service at McDonalds. More experienced international students might find jobs in businesses related to their study program. Some universities offer on campus jobs to international students and have work programs to help international students meet their financial costs through working. One such program is the University of Alberta’s International Student Work Experience Program. Other universities like Memorial University have jobs just for international students in their English as a Second Language programs and as residence monitors.

It may take a student a few months to find a job, and I recommend that an international student not start working for at least 6 months as it takes time to learn about a new culture, a new country and study in Canada expectations from professors and the university or college.

The Canadian government also has their Post Graduate Work Program and provinces have their Provincial Nominee programs and other incentives to keep international students working in Canada after they graduate.

Co-op Work Experience Programs

Nowadays, experiential learning is not limited to colleges, but almost every university in Canada offers a paid Co-op Work Experience program to students who are studying in Canada. The paid term usually starts in year 2 or 3 of the program and salaries are good. There are many benefits to taking this option with the study program as it shows on transcripts, the student gets paid and it enhances the chances of getting a job once you graduate. Many students who work for a company during their Co-op term are often hired by the same company once they graduate from university or college. The University of Waterloo and the University of Alberta have two of the best co-op programs in Canada.


Internships work much like Co-op Work Experience programs. Usually, they are paid terms but sometimes there is only a stipend. For example, St Francis Xavier has a Co-op Internship with their Climate and Environment program. North Island College integrates classroom learning and work experience in their Internship program.

Other Experiential Learning Options

Paid work programs and working in Canada is not the only way to gain valuable work experience for that coveted job once you graduate. Volunteerism is also another way to get experience and the University of Windsor has lots of options available to the international student to not only work and study in Canada but also to do volunteer work as well. This too looks great on a student’s CV and will help him or her get a job once they graduate.

Can Working in Canada Cover All Study Costs?

The answer to that is no. While a student might recover their cost of living through working in Canada, they will not be able to cover both tuition and cost of living. Some expenses will need to be covered by parents or/and scholarships.

Working in Canada is encouraged at every level. Education is not limited to the classroom but expands into the workplace.

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels


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