Can I Study Business in Canada Without Math?

Math isn’t everyone’s favourite subject. And, if you are like me, you try to drop it by 10th grade. Fortunately for me, I wanted to go into Social Sciences. But what if you want to do a business program at a Canadian university?

Most universities want Math at the grade 12 level, or equivalent. Well, that’s disappointing, isn’t it? But note that I said most, that means there are some that will accept you without Mathematics. Also some colleges will accept you without Math, although they may ask for the equivalent of Math 11.

“But I want to go to a top-notch university,” you say. There is a workaround for that too. Canadian universities accept online Math results from Canadian high schools. For example, you can take Math from Rosedale Academy to make up that Math deficiency.

“But hold on, I don’t even like Math, and I am not good at it!” One of Canada’s good universities, Memorial University accepts students into Business without high school Math. There are a few other universities too. Another option at some universities, like UNBC is to take a prep Math course in your 1st year of University.

Options are worth exploring and that is why we are here to help you. Contact us for assistance finding a suitable Business program with or without Math.


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