Are Colleges Good for International Students?

The reason why an international student wants to study abroad in Canada will determine what is best for them. If they want to study beyond a bachelor’s degree, then a university degree will be best. But if they want to stay and work in Canada, a college program is might be the best option.

Programs Offered at Canadian Colleges

Colleges in Canada offer many options to international students from university transfer to 2-year associate degrees, to diplomas and even 4-year degrees. There are also colleges that offer post-graduate diplomas. What are some of the plus points about these programs?

  • University Transfer – if you are a student with C or B marks start your Engineering (or other program) at a college. For example, Columbia College in BC will have you university-ready to transfer to any major BC university after one year. You will have the opportunity to improve your marks and save money for that 1st year before transferring to university.

  • 2-Year Associate Degrees – again, after your 2 years, you are ready to transfer to a major university to complete your 4-year degree. You get a 4-year degree certificate from the university, not the college and you save money at the same time. For example, at North Island College an associate degree is $17,000 CAD for the year rather than $25,000 CAD and upwards.

    Some students decide to work after their 2 years and apply for their PR before going back to university. They can then pay national tuition rates instead of international rates at the university. This is a substantial savings to their study abroad in Canada financial costs.

  • Diplomas – some can be used as a pathway to a degree, or a student can go out and work after the diploma. Most diplomas are 2 or 3 years which means the student can work for 3 years after they graduate and apply for Permanent Residency.

  • 4-year Degrees – some colleges such as Seneca and Douglas offer 4-year degrees at a substantial savings compared to a 4-year degree program at a leading university.

  • Post-graduate diplomas – for the student who has already spent his or her finances on a bachelor’s degree, studying a 2-year post-graduate diploma is feasible from a time and finances perspective and it gets the student out into the workforce faster.

Other Benefits to College

Other benefits that a college can offer an international student are:

  • Lower tuition cost – most colleges offer programs with tuition costs under $20,000 CAD per year. While they do not offer many scholarships, their tuition is affordable.

  • Lower academic requirements – a C grade or B grade, and even a D student can find a college that will accept his/her less than stellar marks. Many universities have competitive admission averages of 80-85% and not all students have those kinds of grades even though they are hard-working all-around good students.

  • Smaller classrooms – colleges tend to have less students and make a point of maintaining a lower teacher to student ratio. Classroom sizes can be anywhere from 15 to 30 students per instructor which translates into a benefit for students. They get more one-on-one with the professor which means higher marks.

  • Career focused – although universities also have co-op work experience programs and internships, colleges are focused on careers and the industry. Their programs are designed so graduates are market-ready. Even their instructors are from the industry and have all the practical know-how of what it takes to work in Canada.

But What About University?

Going to university is best for some students. The academic knowledge, theoretical and analytical education learned at a university cannot be undermined. Nowadays, students get a balance between practical experience and academic knowledge. Students who are leaning to entrepreneurship and leadership roles should study at a Canadian university. And for those where rank and prestige are important, especially if returning to their home country, such as Pakistan, then a reputable university like the University of Alberta, Waterloo, Manitoba, Windsor or UNBC is best for that student.

To determine what is best, university or college, the international student should determine what is best for him or her. The answer will be different depending on what the student wants from a study abroad in Canada experience or depending on the student’s personality, academics, and finances.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


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