8 Goals You Can Achieve by Studying in Canada
When you make the decision to study abroad, goals are at the centre of your decision. Maybe your main goals are financial security, enhanced job opportunities or getting an international education. But I can also venture to say that some of your goals will include cultural experiences and self-growth or awareness. More and more students are studying in Canada these days because it is here that international students can achieve their goals.
What are the goals that you want to achieve? Maybe some of these mentioned here are yours too.
Opportunity to See the World
Canada is the second largest country in the world, size-wise and boasts of a multicultural society that gives you diverse cultures and lifestyles. Top that with a diverse landscape that includes three oceans, mountains, plains, rivers and lakes to towering forests and wildlife, Canada is your one-stop shopping place to see the world. It’s all under one roof called Canada.
Canada boasts a varied geography from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coastline. Even our three oceans are different. The Arctic’s icebergs might not be seen in the Pacific, just as sandy shorelines and sea lions that mark the Pacific will not be found on the Atlantic’s craggy shores. We also have diversity in climate. If you attend the University of Windsor, you don’t need a coat for 7 months of the year, short sleeves will be fine. But you can study in Alberta where a winter coat is a must for 5 or 6 months out of 12. Canada’s population is equally varied. Not only does Canada have immigrants from almost every nation on earth, but the Indigenous people have their own differences, language and traditions depending on which tribe they identify with. And folks in Western Canada have distinctive mannerisms from those in the Atlantic provinces. Even the English accent is different. Then there is Quebec with its distinctive French culture and Quebecois dialect.
Immigrants make up most of the Canadian population and that brings unique apparel and cuisine. Consider dining out for Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Peruvian, Arabic or samosas at your favourite Pakistani or Indian restaurant. Whatever ethnic food you want, it can be found in Canada. It also brings different beliefs and religions. In most cities you can find churches, mosques, Buddhist temples, gurdwaras, synagogues or Hindu temples.
They say Canada is a cultural mosaic and it is true.
Gain a World-Class Education
Canada has one of the best educating systems in the world, from elementary to our post-secondary institutions. Thirty-two of our universities are considered the best in the world according to Times Higher Education. Some are in the top 100 worldwide and some programs are tops such as Medical Sciences at the University of Alberta, or consider UNBC, a small research-intensive university nestled in beautiful British Columbia which ranks in the top 5% of the world in the young university category. Canadian universities and colleges offer thousands of programs to choose from and you can even create your own interdisciplinary program. There is bound to be a top-rated program for you at a Canadian university or college, no matter how unique your vision is.
Grow Personally
Studying abroad is a time to stretch your mental muscles, develop independence and strengthen your character, fine tune your soft skills and mature into a well-rounded adult. If you have never had to do your laundry; Mom was always there to do it, well here is your chance. Whether you live in a dorm or live off campus, you will need to do your laundry. When your mom isn’t around to make sure you do your assignments, you are the one that needs to set the alarm and become self-motivated and disciplined. When you land your first job, that fosters proper customer service even when you are swamped with work. If you are a loner, you learn to be a team player. If you work better in a group, you may be pulled from your comfort zone and must perform alone.
These are only a few examples of how your personality will grow when you study in Canada.
Develop Your Communication Skills
Canada has two national language and while you might want to hone up on your English language skills, you can also learn French, especially if attending university in New Brunswick or Quebec. And if that isn’t enough why not learn another language at university where you can take German, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Arabic, or any other number of languages.
And if you don’t want to pay for the class there are language clubs or maybe your best friend comes form Mexico or Italy or Nigeria. What a perfect opportunity to learn a new language from your friends.
Secure Financial Benefits
Everyone knows that studying abroad costs more than what you would spend at home. But there is a prize at the end of your investment, isn’t there? When international students decide to study in Canada, they and their parents know there is an immediate high cost. But they are not looking at the immediate, they are looking into the future and where there is an investment, there is a gain. Studying in Canada provides several financial benefits which may include a lucratively high paying job in Canada such as an engineering management job, a secure job in the Information Technology industry or in the financial or business field. This is the future of Canada and jobs like these are in high demand and come with very high salaries. The other benefit might be prospects of a high-ranking job back home because of your internationally obtained degree. Canadian degrees are world recognised and will result in a prestigious job with a higher-than-average wage.
Contribute to Your Native Land
I hear this often from prospective international students who realise their country needs help and the best way to do it is to get an education abroad and then return bringing new ideas and adapting them to fit their culture and nation. For Pakistani students, some of the most common programs are Psychology and Economics, two areas where there is a dearth of qualified economists or mental health counsellors. Of course, these are not the only fields, but these are two of the most common that I hear about.
A Canadian education provides a top-notch degree that will be a bonus back home to bring positive change to your nation or a much needed service to its population. Some programs such as International Studies in Education cover a broad perspective so that it gives students insight on how to incorporate new methodologies or ideas in a culturally sensitive or adaptive manner. This goal is attainable when studying in Canada.
Get an Education Beyond the Classroom
Not everything is learned in the classroom and international students know that. They want to experience and explore life, see different things, visit different places, learn different philosophies, and meet different people. Imagine doing all that in one country. The diversity in Canada is not limited to its multicultural population but includes the space of oceans, mountains, rivers, plains, forests and lakes. In Alberta a student can learn all about dinosaurs and visit Drumheller’s Badlands. Or maybe you have the opportunity to watch the aurora borealis dance its way across Alberta’s sky. Or maybe while attending the University of Manitoba, you visit Churchill and see polar bears. For the arts, you can taste ballet, jazz, opera, theatre, or contemporary sounds.
When you land your first job, you will learn national differences in time management and employee/employer relationships. If you come from a top-down management style society, you might be delighted to work under the supervision of a bottom-up style manager.
There is just so much to learn outside the classroom.
“The world is full of wonderful things you haven’t seen yet. Don’t ever give up on the chance of seeing them.”
International centres provide activities that include cultural exchange nights, ethic food events or maybe you want to learn how to ice skate or play ice hockey. It’s all possible. Homestay is an accommodation option that some universities and colleges offer so international students can live in the home of a Canadian family and lean about life as a Canadian or brush up on English skills.
There is a world of learning to be done in Canada and it isn’t all in the classroom.
While I couldn’t cover all the different ways you can experience the world in Canada, I have given you a glimpse into the myriad of experiences that await you. Now that you have had a taste of Canada and are ready to look at its universities and colleges, contact us so we can help you actualise your goals with a Canadian education.