6 Reasons You Should Study in Canada
Canada is becoming one of the hottest study abroad destinations in the world and for good reason. Here are 6 reasons, among others, why you would want to study in Canada.
Quality of Life is Tops
Canada offers international students a high standard of living. According to US News & World Report Canada ranks #1 for quality of life. What does that mean to you as an international student? It means you have access to quality education, health care and employment. It means you can have job security, political stability, individual freedom and a green environment. Pollution in Canada is at a minimum; we have blue skies and a sun that is yellow, not orange from pollution. Living in Canada is a dream come true.
Best Education System
Canada’s education system rocks, all the way from primary to post-secondary. US News & World Report puts Canada # 4 for the best education in the world. A Canadian degree is world recognised and 5 of our universities are in the top 150 of the world – the University of Toronto, McGill, UAlberta, UBC and the University of Montreal. Another 5 make it into the top 250 including McMasters, Waterloo and Western University. Canadian education encourages interdisciplinary studies and the development of leadership skills such as critical thinking, communication and teamwork. It prepares students for management and employment. And talk about programs! There are diplomas, bachelors, masters and PhDs in every conceivable subject and students are also encouraged to create their own unique discipline.
Affordable Tuition & Cost of Living
Canada has one of the most affordable tuition rates and cost of living among popular English speaking study destinations. While some universities might have tuition fees as high as $70,000 CAD per year, there are plenty of universities such as Memorial, Thompson Rivers, UNBC or Trent which offer their programs for around $20,000 to $25,000 CAD. So there is a whole range of tuition costs to choose from. On top of that, there are international student scholarships at every university and some colleges, there are paid co-op work experience programs and internships and international students are permitted to work part-time to help defray costs. A Canadian education is affordable.
Fantastic Scenery
I love Canada, not just because I am a Canadian but because of its natural beauty. Canada has more natural lakes than any other country in the world and is flanked by three oceans, the Pacific on the West, the Atlantic on the East coast and the Arctic in the North. It has mountains, rivers, wild life galore – polar bears, deer, black bear, colourful birds. There is just so much to see in this huge land. And even in the cities, there is greenery. Most cities in Canada are built on the shores of a river so there are natural bike paths, picnic areas and both summer and winter sports areas. There are the Badlands, Banff National Park, the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, you name it, Canada has it.
Banff National Park
Welcoming Environment
Canada embraces multiculturalism, it is a national policy. International students from all over the world are welcomed. Some cities have their own cultural enclaves, China Town in Vancouver, Gerrard Street in Toronto to name two and everywhere you go you can find mosques, temples, other faith buildings and authentic food. Ladies in saris and shalwar kameez, Somali women in their national attire, it is all accepted. Diverse languages are taught in schools. For example in the city where I used to live, the Punjabi population in one area is so high that Punjabi is taught in one of the elementary schools. With this kind of welcoming environment, you will feel comfortable becoming part of the Canadian society.
Heritage Days Festival, Edmonton, Alberta
I really couldn’t put more into the subtitle and what I share is personal. I lived in Canada for over 55 years and then moved to Pakistan. And while I enjoy my life here, freedom to be and do is what I miss most about Canada. We have one of the safest countries in the world. Schools are not surrounded by high walls with barbed wire around and armed security forces at their posts. Very few carry guns. Women are free to go out of their house to visit a friend, shop or go to the library – whatever. They can walk, take a bus or drive their car. They do not have to fear catcalling or Eve-teasing. It just doesn’t happen. So gals, Canada is a great place to be safe and hassle free – no harassment. Not that it never happens, but if it does, we have laws to protect you. So now you see why I could use only one word for my subtitle. No adjective quite fits that word freedom.
There are many other reasons why you will want to study in Canada. I have just shared a few, some of them from my own experiences. I’m sure once you are there, you will find your own reasons to be glad you chose Canada as your study abroad destination.