3 Pakistani Students Awarded $120,000 Scholarship at UAlberta
Pakistani students are the best! Three Pakistani students who applied to the University of Alberta were offered the President’s International Distinction Scholarship, a full tuition scholarship of $120,000 CAD. That is $30,000 CAD per year. With tuition for a Faculty of Science or Arts student at $30,090 CAD per year, that folks, means an almost 100% scholarship.
In addition to this, two more Pakistani students received the University of Alberta’s International Leader Scholarship for $10,000 CAD.
Criteria needed to be eligible for these scholarships are leadership skills, passion and interest in something and extracurricular activities whether it is in sports, school events or community service. In addition, a student’s academic profile is taken into consideration.
“Pakistani Students Rock!!”
When one considers how competitive these application-based scholarships are and the number of students from all over the world who apply for these scholarships, these students are stellar representatives of their families, their schools and their country. Are Pakistani students worth bragging about! You bet they are! They are smart, talented, leaders, community spirited and all-rounders. And they proved it by running off with $120,000 CAD each – the President’s International Distinction Scholarship.
Students, parents and teachers can be proud of these students who are about to change the world.
If you want to know more about the University of Alberta and its excellent scholarships for international students, make sure to contact us today.